Fast 2024

2024 The Year Of Open Doors (Revelations 3:7-8)

During January, Abundant Life Family Church will be fasting as a church family starting the morning of January 2nd and finishing the morning of January 23rd.  We will fast from Meats and Sweets for 21 Days. If it swims, crawl, flies, hop, run or walk it falls in the category of meat. If it’s sweet to the taste outside of pure fruit it falls in the sweets category.

A few helpful tips to guide you in your time of fasting:

  1. Begin your day with Praise and Worship.

  2. Keep a prayer journal.  Write out your prayers and the scriptures you're standing on. Share your testimonies with family and friends as the prayers are answered.

  3. Read and meditate on the Word of God. As God provides you with revelation from your reading write it down and date it.

  4. Consider using this time to disconnect from social media, television, radio(other than Christian), games, and books other than the Word of God (Unless it's school or work-related. Remember this is a sacrifice).

  5. Drink plenty of water at all times.  While you abstain from certain foods, remember your focus should not be on food.  Focus on your life being changed forever because of this time spent in the presence of God.

  6. If you slip up repent and keep moving forward.